The Drysuit

When I needed a new drysuit, I didn't think twice about opting for a membrane suit.

Which manufacturer I should go for was a harder question, but in the end, after finding that they were the favourite on the DIS-UK list and Yorkshire Divers, I went for an Otter suit.

Made-to-measure went without saying: I'm 6'4" and conventional suits don't fit me very well.

Braces were a must as well, having spent so much time with suits either on fully or falling off me.

Cuff or Auto Dump was another question I had to consider. I had always dived with a cuff dump until that point, but now that I was getting my own proper suit, not a rented or second hand one, I had the luxury of choice.

I spent long time using only my suit for bouyancy, and I got pretty good at it. A lot of divers will parrot "I have a drysuit and a BC, so I have redundant bouyancy" but few of them seem to have practiced using both to any great extent. Then, just to see what the difference was like, on a square-profile dive I went in deliberately over-weighted.

Using the suit for bouyancy was hell - there was a huge bubble of air rolling around the whole time. Dumping all the excess and putting it into my wing was bliss - I felt so much more comfortable. My mind was made up that day, and I decided there and then that I wanted to stop using my suit for bouyancy. But with a cuff dump, that meant two bouyancy controls to worry about. And whilst I CAN deal with that, I don't like to.

So now, I dive with an autodump, which I leave completely open. This ensures that any excess air gets spilled out, so I never have more than the bare minimum in the suit. Any bouyancy I need is supplied by the wing.

Diving like this, I can and do invert myself without the slightest worry of not being able to right myself, because there's so little air in my suit, it can't balloon to my ankles.

I have no worry about my autodump being able to dump fast enough, because there's so little air in the suit, it never has much to dump.

I only have one source of bouyancy to worry about on ascents, the autodump doesn't need my help. And I don't even have to faff around with adjusting the autodump to keep me neutral.

The only probelm I had was when the autodump stopped working properly. I replaced with a SiTech autodump, and it's been great ever since.

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